Articles, Publications

Netanyahu’s Threats Undermine Possible Nuclear Deal With Iran

Regrettably, Iran and its European counterparts failed to reach a final agreement because President George W. Bush continued to deny the legitimate rights of Iran under the NPT, altering the balance of forces in Iran toward those in favor of radicalism. Once again, with President-elect Rouhani, there is a golden opportunity for the US to reinvigorate diplomatic efforts to resolve the standoff over Iran’s nuclear program.

Netanyahu needs to know that Rouhani is neither wolf nor sheep. He is a pragmatic politician who has already proved his sincerity to realize a peaceful, sustainable and realistic solution to the nuclear dilemma. The US should not miss or dismiss this unique opportunity. President Obama should be brave and invest political capital to pursue a direct and broad deal with Iran and end over three decades of hostilities. Such historical achievements require Netanyahu to recognize a fact: US-Iran rapprochement is the only way to decrease tensions between Tehran and Tel Aviv.

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انتشارات, مقاله ها

نتانیاهو تهدید چشم انداز توافق هسته ای با ایران

نخست وزیر اسرائیل در صحبت های اخیرش،‌ محمود احمدی نژاد را به «گرگی در لباس گرگ» تشبیه کرد و ادعا کرد که رییس جمهور منتخب ایران حسن روحانی «گرگی در لباس میش است. لبخند بزن و بمب بساز.» او سپس به آمریکا پیشنهاد داد که «اگر تحریم ها کار نمی کند، باید بدانند که شما آماده اقدام نظامی هستید – این تنها چیزی است که توجه آنها)ایران) را جلب می کند.»

ادامه مطلب

نتانیاهو تهدید چشم انداز توافق هسته ای با ایران – حسین موسویان – المانیتور – ۳۰ تیر ۱۳۹۲


False claims by Taghizadeh’s article in Roozonline

Mr. Taghizadeh’s inaccurate piece in Roozonline on July 13, 2013, aims to stir controversy surrounding Dr. Mousavian’s initial arrival in the US and work at Princeton University.   The piece falsely claims that Dr. Haleh Esfandiari worked with and was instrumental in bringing Dr. Mousavian to Princeton University. Mr. Taghizadeh made the mistake in confusing the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington DC, where Dr. Esfandiari is Director of Middle East Program, with the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University, where Dr. Mousavian is currently Associate Research Scholar. Dr. Esfandiari response to the editor of Roozonline stated that she has met Dr. Mousavian once briefly at his book launch. Moreover, Mr. Taghizadeh claims Dr. Mousavian’s work at Princeton University is funded by the Alavi Foundation. This assertion is also false, particularly since the foundation’s finances have for years been under the control of the US judicial system and any financial allocations are made public. There have been no funds from Alavi Foundation earmarked for Dr. Mousavian.