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موسویان:پروتکل الحاقی کشورها را ملزم به اجازه بازرسی از تاسیسات نظامی نمی کند

 آژانس بین المللی انرژی اتمی نگرانی ها و شک و تردیدهایی در مورد مساله ابعاد احتمالی نظامی دارد که بدون حل و فصل این مساله، توافق هسته ای حاصل نخواهد شد. توصیه من این است که برای حل و فصل این موضوع، طرف های مذاکره کننده باید مساله ابعاد نظامی احتمالی را به گونه ای مورد بررسی قرار دهند که پنج اصل ذیل را تضمین کند.

موسویان این پنج اصل را در مقاله خود در روزنامه المانیتور چنین برشمرد:

ادامه مطلب

 پروتکل الحاقی کشورها را ملزم به اجازه بازرسی از تاسیسات نظامی نمی کند – حسین موسویان – ایرنا – یکشنبه ۱۷ خرداد ۱۳۹۴

Articles, Publications

How do we solve the Iran talks’ verification dilemma?

After Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, expressed his opposition to the inspection of Iranian military facilities and the interrogation of Iranian scientists as part of any would-be nuclear deal, the issue quickly became the most controversial aspect of the nuclear negotiations in Iran. It is only natural that allowing foreign inspectors access to Iranian military facilities and making Iranian scientists vulnerable to such questioning would damage Iranian national pride, as it would in any country. In fact, this is a matter that threatens to scuttle the entire negotiating process.

This unprecedentedly invasive type of inspections hearkens back to the issue of possible military dimensions (PMD) to the Iranian nuclear program. Western concerns over PMD go back to even before 2003, when the Iranian nuclear program first came under international spotlight. In his 2006 book “State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration,” The New York Times journalist James Risen revealed that the CIA had attempted to plant evidence in Iran that would make it seem the country was pursuing nuclear weapons in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Such “evidence” could feasibly have been used as a pretext for military intervention against Iran. With that said, in 2011 the United States and its NATO allies released thousands of pages of documents and pictures to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that allegedly revealed there had been military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear program.

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“How do we solve the Iran talks’ verification dilemma?” Hossein Mousavian, Al Monitor, June 6, 2015.


Will Nuclear Deal Boost Iran Moderates or Hard-Liners?

“Will Nuclear Deal Boost Iran Moderates or Hard-Liners?” Interview with Hossein Mousavian, WSJ, May 28, 2015.

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“The nuclear issue would be the first step for testing whether the engagement policy is successful. If the U.S. continues the policy of engagement rather than confrontation, you would find Iran much more flexible and much more ready to cooperate on regional issues,” said Seyed Hossein Mousavian, who headed the foreign relations committee at Iran’s National Security Council until 2005 and is now a visiting scholar at Princeton University.

“But if the West and the regional powers push for more coercion policies against Iran, this would strengthen radicalism in Iran. The equation is clear.”