رسانه, مصاحبه ها

:سیدحسین موسویان در گفتگو با تلویزیون رومانی

شرایط خاورمیانه به خاطر ضعف شورای امنیت است . ایران و کشورهای عربی حاشیه خلیج فارس، ساختار امنیت وهمکاری منطقه‌ای ایجاد کنند

مصاحبه با تلویوزیون رومانی

اگرشرایط به همین وضع ادامه یابد، علاوه بر “دولت‌های ورشکسته” فعلی مثل لیبی و وسوریه، شاهد دولت‌های ورشکسته بیشتری در منطقه خواهیم بود بلکه یک “منطقه ورشکسته” خواهیم داشت که عواقب وحشتناک برای منطقه و برای صلح و ثبات و امنیت جهانی خواهد داشت همچون گسترش تروریسم و بحران انرژی؛ لذا باید اقدامات موثر و جدی برای ختم بحران‌های جاری صورت بگیرد



مصاحبه ها

موسویان در مصاحبه با العربیه: ترامپ می‌تواند با ایران به یک توافق دست یابد

هفتم نوامبر 2024

سیدحسین موسویان، دیپلمات سابق و کارشناس ارشد سیاست خارجی ایران در گفت و گو با العربیه از وضعیت حاکم بر رابطه جمهوری اسلامی ایران و ایالات متحده آمریکا در آستانه بازگشت دونالد ترامپ، رئیس جمهور منتخب انتخابات اخیر به کاخ سفید سخن گفته است

به گزارش هم‌میهن آنلاین و به نقل از جماران، موسویان در این گفت و گو تاکید کرده که معتقد است رئیس جمهور جمهوری خواهی که سابقه خوبی از خود در ذهن دولتمردان ایرانی باقی نگذاشته می تواند در دوره جدید با تهران به توافق دست پیدا کند



Interview with Al-Arabiya: President Elect Trump Can Make a New Deal with Iran

Seyed Hossein Mousavian’s statement minute 50 to 60

November 7, 2024

Al Arabiya News presents W News’ special weeklong coverage of the 2024 US Presidential Election, with interviews from important figures, analysis from special experts and all the reaction to the US Presidential Election results. We’ll be joined by Tom Burges Watson and Sarah Coates for a 2-hour special on the US Election as well as a Riz Khan special episode. In this W News special episode, we react to Kamala Harris conceding the election to Donald Trump and the concession speech she gave. We’ll also discuss the Tariffs Trump plans to implement and what it could mean not only for the US economy but the world economy, the US relations with China and Iran and how they might change under Trump’s leadership and more. Guests: Simon Marks – Senior US Correspondent Nadia Bilbassy – Washington Bureau Chief for Al Arabiya David Kusnet – Former White House Director Of Speech writing to Bill Clinton Giles Gibson – Israel Correspondent Professor Chuck Freilich – Former Israeli Deputy National Security Advisor Stephen Vaughn – Former US Trade Representative under Donald Trump Freddie Gray – Deputy Editor of The Spectator Seyed Hossein Mousavian – former Senior Negotiator of Iran for Nuclear Issue Victor Gao – Vice-President of the Center for China and Globalization B.J. Martino – Republican Pollster Professor Francis Buckley – Former Trump Speechwriter


مقاله ها

میدل ایست آی: تاثیر جنگهای اسرائیل و پیروزی ترامپ بر استراتژی امنیت ملی ایران

سید حسین موسویان

ششم نوامبر 2024

ترامپ در حالی وارد کاخ سفید می‌شود که ایران در آستانه تغییر دکترین امنیت ملی خود قرار دارد. از زمان انقلاب اسلامی ۱۹۷۹، سه رویداد منجر به تغییرات عمده‌ای در دکترین امنیت ملی ایران شده‌اند

ترامپ فرصت دارد تا جنگ‌های اسرائیل علیه غزه و لبنان را پایان دهد و درگیری‌های نظامی بین اسرائیل و ایران را مهار کند. مهار بحران کنونی در خاورمیانه نیازمند اقدامات مهمی است از جمله چهار مورد ذیل

الف) آتش‌بس میان ایران و اسرائیل ؛

ب) پایان دادن به حملات اسرائیل به لبنان و غزه؛

ج) مبادله زندانیان بین اسرائیل و حماس. اجرای قطعنامه‌های سازمان ملل در مورد راه‌حل دو دولتی همچنین گامی مهم به سوی امنیت منطقه خاورمیانه خواهد بود

د) و در نهایت، ثبات و امنیت در خاورمیانه نیازمند پایان دادن به دشمنی‌های جاری میان ایران و جهان غرب است

گفت‌وگوهای جامع و جدی بین ایران و غرب باید آغاز شود. چنین گفت‌وگوهایی شانس ترامپ را برای دستیابی به یک توافق بزرگ با ایران افزایش خواهد داد


Interviews, Media

Interview with Aftenposten of Norway: Iran Wasn’t So Scary After All. Now a New Option Tempts Iran

Gloria Andersen


Seyed Hossein Mousavian is a former ambassador to Germany. He was a spokesman for Iran in the nuclear negotiations in the EU in 2005. He is now a researcher at Princeton University in the USA.
Iran has no interest in escalating the situation. The new president, Masoud Pezeshkian, wants to reduce tensions and focus on diplomacy and the economy, Hossein explains.
– Netanyahu is against this policy. That is one of the reasons he wants to drag Iran and the USA into a major war.
Iran has stated that they support a Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction and will commit to this, according to Hossein.
 –Unless they are attacked.
For the question is not whether Iran can become a nuclear power. It’s about whether they want to. Previously, Iran has weighed the value of nuclear weapons against international reactions. Now the value of possessing “the world’s most powerful deterrent” may be greatest.
American intelligence estimates that it will take Iran about six months to build a bomb. Therefore, several Israeli officials believe that Israel must act now. Former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has said they have the “greatest opportunity in 50 years” to destroy Iran’s nuclear program.
An attack on the nuclear facilities would create such a severe security situation that Iran would feel they have no choice:
– Then Iran could become a nuclear power, says Hossein.
But Israel cannot attack Iran’s nuclear facilities alone. Now, the fate lies in the hands of the USA, according to Hossein.

“The Worst Deal in History”

Experts agree that it is hard to avoid thinking about how the situation could have been different.

In 2018, Donald Trump withdrew the USA from the nuclear deal with Iran. Experts warned Trump against doing so, but he insisted that it was “the worst deal in history.”

Trump believed that the deal led to the international community pouring money into Iran and “financing terrorism.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised Trump for making a “historic decision.”

This decision led Iran to begin developing nuclear facilities, points out Hossein.


Interviews, Media

In the event of a military attack, there will be no guarantee for the continuation of Iran’s peaceful nuclear program, Mousavian told News Week

October 9, 2024

“Whether it takes a few weeks or a few months for Iran to obtain a nuclear warhead will not make a decisive difference in the outcome,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, a former Iranian diplomat who served on Iran’s nuclear negotiations team in the mid-2000s and is today a specialist at Princeton University‘s Program on Science and Global Security, told Newsweek.

“In the event of a military attack,” he added, “there will be no guarantee for the continuation of Iran’s peaceful nuclear program.”

Mousavian argued that former President Donald Trump‘s decision to exit the 2015 nuclear deal, known formally as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and the ensuing campaign of U.S. sanctions “led Iran to also develop its nuclear capabilities, turning it into a nuclear threshold state.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had always opposed the agreement, warning it did not go far enough to block Iran from producing a nuclear weapon. Now, Mousavian said that Israel, which is widely known to possess a covert nuclear arsenal, would not be capable of defeating Iran on its own without the aid of its U.S. ally and that such an outcome would only galvanize Iranian reconsiderations of its nuclear stance.

“Israel alone is not capable of a broad military confrontation with Iran unless the U.S. participates,” Mousavian said. “In such a scenario, Iran will likely become a nuclear state.”


Interviews, Media

I believe Iran would respect a Palestinian decision on a two-state solution, said Mousavian to The New Yorker

 “In 1992, when Israel assassinated Sayyed Abbas Musawi, the then leader of Hezbollah, American and Israeli newspaper headlines claimed that his assassination marked the beginning of the end for Hezbollah,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, a former Iranian Ambassador to Germany—who, in 2004, was the spokesperson for the Iranian negotiating team on nuclear enrichment—told me. “However, fourteen years later, in the 2006 war, Israel was, in effect, stalemated, and the world was shocked by Hezbollah’s new power.

The assassination of Hassan Nasrallah, [the Hamas political leader Ismail] Haniyeh, and other commanders of Hezbollah and Hamas will spark the rise of a new generation of resistance, even more powerful and determined than today.” Many of Hezbollah’s jihadist forces, Mousavian said, lost family members in previous conflicts.

Mousavian is currently a visiting scholar at Princeton and no friend of the current Iranian regime. (By 2005, he had come into conflict with hard-liners led by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and cannot now return without risking prison.) Yet he sees a diplomatic opportunity for Iran here, too. “The new Iranian President, Masoud Pezeshkian, came to the U.N. three days before Netanyahu, and spoke of a ‘new era,’ ” Mousavian said, “with Iran playing ‘an effective and constructive role in the evolving global order.’ ” Pezeshkian’s is not the only voice; Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is gathering political and economic power. Nevertheless, “relations with Israel go through Washington,” Mousavian said, and Pezeshkian’s offer should be tested. “The U.S. should open a broad dialogue, in which bilateral and regional issues are all on the table—including a renewed nuclear deal, a denuclearized Persian Gulf, ceasefire between Israel and Iran, a regional conventional-arms arrangement, and the security of the Persian Gulf.” He added, “I believe that Iran would respect a Palestinian decision, and if the Palestinians are on a pathway”—to a two-state solution—“then Iran would not impede or disturb it.”
