Articles, Publications

Asharq Al Awsat Opinion: Turkey needs to rethink its regional policy

The Middle East is on fire and the constructive role of Turkey is essential. Ankara should try to revive the Zero Problems Policy with its neighbors. To achieve this urgent objective, Ankara should consider the following:

1) Turkey should not throw all its weight behind the Muslim Brotherhood based on the wrong assumption that the future of the region rests with this party.
2) The Arab Awakening should not lead Turkey to abandon its policy of non-interference.
3) Turkey should maintain a position of neutrality, enabling Ankara to play a credible role in regional crisis management.
4) It must determine which direction its foreign policy is heading. Iranian foreign policy following the 1979 revolution was based on ideology and national interest. Turkey, as a secular state, is essentially acting more ideologically than Iran on its foreign policy.
5) Turkey should not harbor ambitions of reviving the Ottoman past, as it would have grave consequences for Turkey and the region. Turkey’s recent policies have made some countries think Ankara is after reviving the former Ottoman hegemony in the region, believing that the “zero problems policy” was just a cover for Ankara’s “neo-Ottoman” ambitions.
6) The country should not forget its internal challenges. Turkey’s credibility in the region and the world took a beating this summer with Erdoğan’s decision to put down the demonstrations with riot police, tear gas and water cannons leading to the arrest and injury of hundreds of demonstrators in about 50 cities.
7) Turkey should attempt to cooperate with regional powers, mainly Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Egypt, to manage the crisis arising from the Arab Awakening. Such a policy should be based on non-interference, mutual respect and peaceful settlement.

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“Opinion: Turkey needs to rethink its regional policy,” Hossein Mousavian, Asharq Al Awsat, September 21, 2013.

انتشارات, مقاله ها

ترکیه و ضرورت تجدید نظر در سیاست های منطقه ای

خاورمیانه اکنون شعله ور است و نقش سازنده ترکیه بسیار اهمیت دارد. آنکارا باید “سیاست تنش صفر” با همسایگان را احیا کند.ترکیه، قدرت منطقه ای با تاریخ و تمدنی بزرگ، نقشی اساسی را در ثبات و امنیت خاورمیانه و آسیای میانه ایفا می کند. در دهه اخیر، حزب حاکم عدالت و توسعه تحت رهبری اردوغان نخست وزیر ترکیه این کشور را به سوی ثبات اجتماعی-اقتصادی و سیاسی حرکت داده است.

ادامه مطلب

ترکیه و ضرورت تجدید نظر در سیاست های منطقه ای – حسین موسویان – شرق الاوسط – ۲۹ شهریور ۱۳۹۲

Articles, Publications

US-Iran talks are an opportunity for reconciliation that must not be wasted

The recent exchange of letters between Iranian and American presidents, coupled with positive statements from two capitals have created hopes for a possible breakthrough in Iran-US relations. Iran is ready to “build trust” with the United States, Iran’s foreign minister, Javad Zarif, stated and White House spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan said: “We remain ready to engage with the Rouhani government on the basis of mutual respect to achieve a peaceful resolution to the nuclear issue.”

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“US-Iran talks are an opportunity for reconciliation that must not be wasted,” Hossein Mousavian, the Guardian, September 18, 2013.

انتشارات, مقاله ها

موسویان: آمریکا نباید فرصت مصالحه با ایران را از دست بدهد

به گزارش خبرگزاری فارس، «حسین موسویان» عضو سابق تیم مذاکره‌کننده‌ ایرانی در گفت‌وگوهای هسته‌ای، در یادداشتی که در روزنامه انگلیسی «گاردین» منتشر شده، احتمال مذاکرات مستقیم ایران و آمریکا را فرصتی برای مصالحه دانست که نباید از دست برود.

ادامه مطلب

موسویان: آمریکا نباید فرصت مصالحه با ایران را از دست بدهد/ رویه واشنگتن تغییر نکند، توافقی صورت نمی‌گیرد – حسین موسویان – ۲۷ شهریور ۱۳۹۲