پوشش رسانه ای, رسانه, سخنرانیها

مناظره داغ در اندیشکدۀ ترکیه در واشنگتن با موضوع ایران، آمریکا، سوریه، قدس و بالاخره قاسم سلیمانی

موسویان در این سمینار گفت:  آقای بلوم فیلد ضمن مقایسه سیاست اوباما و ترامپ در مورد سوریه، درخلال سخنان خود گفت که خیلی ها در واشینگتن معتقدند که دولت آمریکا در موضوع هسته ای ایران و سوریه، انفعالی عمل کرد. وی به گفته معاون سازمان سیا که گفته بود سوریه موضوع اول امنیتی آمریکاست،  اشاره و این را دلیل حضور آمریکا در سوریه خواند.

ادامه مطلب

مناظره داغ در اندیشکدۀ ترکیه در واشنگتن با موضوع ایران، آمریکا، سوریه، قدس و بالاخره قاسم سلیمانی – خبرآنلاین – سه شنبه 21 آذر 1396.

انتشارات, مقاله ها

غوغای سیاست‌های ضدایرانی در واشنگتن

اما در دولت ترامپ و با استفاده از فرصت به‌هم‌ریختگی مذکور، لابی متحد تل‌آویو – ریاض – ابوظبی تاکنون کاملا در تحمیل خواسته‌های خود بر سیستم تصمیم‌گیری در واشنگتن علیه ایران موفق بوده و با موانع جدی هم مواجه نیستند.

ادامه مطلب

غوغای سیاست‌های ضدایرانی در واشنگتن – سیدحسین موسویان – شرق – ۱۳۹۶ چهارشنبه ۸ آذر.

Interviews, مقاله ها

Inside The Real (And Really Secret) Middle East Peace Process

“The Iranians, always they have shown readiness,” said Seyed Hossein Mousavian, a former Iranian diplomat who worked on engaging the Saudis. “During the late King Abdullah’s era, Riyadh was ready to hear what the Iranians say, but no more in [current King] Salman’s era.”

Read More

“Inside The Real (And Really Secret) Middle East Peace Process,” The Huffington Post, December 8, 2017.

Articles, Media, Media Coverage, Publications, مقاله ها

Behind the scene of Trump’s recognition of Quds as Israeli capital

“The ties between Tel Aviv and the White House, and the current situation of the Zionist lobby – during Trump’s presidency- is so that it seems this is only the Tel Aviv that has the final say about Iran, the Middle East and the peace process. The coalition’s plan is to first cut the tale of the snake (Iran’s regional leverage) and then the head of the snake (Iran’s power).”

Read More

“Behind the scene of Trump’s recognition of Quds as Israeli capital,” Hossein Mousavian, IRNA, December 9, 2017.

Media, Media Coverage, مقاله ها

Trump’s Al Quds decision ‘disasterous mistake’: Ex Iranian diplomat

“Trump’s December 3 decision was a “clear violation of all UN resolutions,” Hossein Mousavian told a panel held recently by Turkish Heritage Organization at the BAU International University in Washington … The move has effectively killed the peace process, Mousavian told the panel discussing the crisis in Syria titled “’Old Rivalries, New Dynamics.’”

Read More

The Iran Project, “Trump’s Al Quds decision ‘disasterous mistake’: Ex Iranian diplomat,” December 12, 2017.


Events, Lectures, مقاله ها

Turkish Heritage Organization: “Old Rivalries, New Dynamics” Surrounding the Syria Crisis

Turkish Heritage Organization: “Old Rivalries, New Dynamics” Surrounding the Syria Crisis

During THO’s December 7, 2017 panel at the National Press Club – “Lessons from the Syria Crisis: Old Rivalries, New Dynamics” – former high-level government officials addressed the effect of the Syria conflict on traditional relationships and tensions between actors like Russia, Turkey, Iran, and the U.S.

The panel was moderated by Dr. Sinem Vatanartiran (President, BAU International University), and featured the following speakers:

Amb. Lincoln P. Bloomfield, Jr. – Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Political Military Affairs; Distinguished Fellow and Chairman Emeritus at the Stimson Center;

Amb. Seyed Hossein Mousavian – Former Iranian Ambassador to Germany; Middle East Security and Nuclear Policy Specialist at Princeton University;

Barry Pavel – Senior Vice President, Arnold Kanter Chair, and Director of the Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security at the Atlantic Council.

Description of the Event


انتشارات, مقاله ها

اما در دولت ترامپ و با استفاده از فرصت به‌هم‌ریختگی مذکور، لابی متحد تل‌آویو – ریاض – ابوظبی تاکنون کاملا در تحمیل خواسته‌های خود بر سیستم تصمیم‌گیری در واشنگتن علیه ایران موفق بوده و با موانع جدی هم مواجه نیستند.

ادامه مطلب

غوغای سیاست‌های ضدایرانی در واشنگتن – سیدحسین موسویان – شرق – ۱۳۹۶ چهارشنبه ۸ آذر.

Events, Lectures, مقاله ها

Former Ambassadors Discuss U.S.-Iran Relations and the Nuclear Deal

“Two former diplomats and experts of foreign relations visited Hamilton College on Nov. 30 for a discussion on U.S.–Iran relations and the nuclear deal. Thomas Pickering and Seyed Hossein Mousavian answered questions from moderator Emad Kiyaei, the Sol M. Linowitz Visiting Professor of International Affairs, and from the audience.”

Read More

“Former Ambassadors Discuss U.S.-Iran Relations and the Nuclear Deal,” Maggie Denoon, Hamilton, December 1, 2017.


Interview: Former Iranian Diplomat To Discuss Nuclear Deal At Hamilton College

“One of President Obama’s policies reversed by the Trump administration is the nuclear agreement with Iran, which President Trump refused to recertify, saying it was not in America’s interest. Thursday evening at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York, former U.N. Ambassador Thomas Pickering will be part of a discussion on U.S.-Iran relations and the nuclear deal, which will also include former ambassador and diplomat for Iran and now Princeton University scholar Seyed Hossein Mousavian.”

Full Interview

“Former Iranian Diplomat To Discuss Nuclear Deal At Hamilton College,” Brian Shields, WAMC Northeast Public Radio, November 29, 2017.