Articles, Media, Media Coverage, Publications, مقاله ها

US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE seriously pursuing regime change in Iran

“The Tel Aviv-Riyadh-Abu Dhabi triangle keeps telling the White House that they wouldn’t like the US to launch a war against Iran similar to the Iraq war; rather, as they say, a limited military operation would be enough to make Iran claw back its influence and presence in the region. Nevertheless, their covert objective is to start their move with limited military action that would trigger retaliation in kind by Iran, and this would eventually bring about a full-scale military conflict between the two countries.”

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“US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE seriously pursuing regime change in Iran,” The Iran Project, May 29, 2018.


Events, Lectures, مقاله ها

Panel Discussion: Saudi Arabia and Iran as the new decisive frontline in the Middle East

Panel Discussion: Saudi Arabia and Iran as the new decisive frontline in the Middle East

The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR)


Abdel Aziz Abu Hamad Aluwaisheg, Assistant Secretary General for Political and Negoatiation Affairs, GCC

Bassma Kodmani, Execeutive Director, Arab Reform Initiative

Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Former Iranian Ambassador and Foreign Policy Advisor to the Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council

Justin Vaïsse, Director of Policy Planning, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, France

Moderator:  Julien Barnes-Dacey, Director of the Middle East and North Africa Programme, ECFR

Full Video of Panel Discussion

“Saudi Arabia and Iran as the new decisive frontline in the Middle East,” ECFR Panel Discussion, May 28, 2018.

Interviews, مقاله ها

(Le Monde) Iran : les négociateurs de l’accord nucléaire « ont une cible dans le dos »

“M. Zarif, quant à lui, demeure relativement épargné. Le principal artisan de l’accord, l’une des personnalités les plus populaires en Iran, maintient des relations ouvertement cordiales avec des figures des gardiens, et multiplie les marques d’allégeance au Guide suprême. Mais si ses démarches pour convaincre l’Europe de rester dans l’accord échouent, « l’Iran se radicalisera contre la menace extérieure (…), et il sera naturel et nécessaire que des figures sécuritaires prennent un rôle plus important », estime Hossein Mousavian, chercheur à l’université américaine de Princeton.”

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“Iran : les négociateurs de l’accord nucléaire « ont une cible dans le dos »,” Le Monde, May 26, 2018.

انتشارات, مقاله ها

با اشاره به طرح تحقیق و تفحص مجلس درمورد اتباع دوتابعیتی‌ ایران

“سید حسین موسویان، دیپلمات پیشین کشورمان در رابطه با گزارش تحقیق وتفحص مجلس درمورد اتباع دوتابعیتی‌ ایران نامه ای سرگشاده خطاب به رییس مجلس و رییس کمیسیون امنیت ملی و سیاست خارجی مجلس شورای اسلامی منتشر کرد.

به گزارش ایسنا، متن این نامه سرگشاده بدین شرح است:”

ادامه مطلب

با اشاره به طرح تحقیق و تفحص مجلس درمورد اتباع دوتابعیتی‌ ایران – موسویان: همیشه یک تابعیت داشته‌ام/ در هیچ اندیشکده خارجی فعالیت نداشته و ندارم – سید حسین موسویان – ایسنا – ۲۴ اردیبهشت ۱۳۹۷.

پوشش رسانه ای


پرشیا دایجست

Articles, Publications, مقاله ها

Pompeo’s Demands on Iran At Odds with Reality

“Secretary of State Mike Pompeo laid out a list of demands on Iran in a speech threatening to ‘crush’ the country on Monday. His bellicose words come weeks after President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the Iran nuclear deal and are nothing short of an ultimatum demanding Iran’s total surrender to U.S. wishes … Pompeo’s twelve demands reflect a misunderstanding of Iranian foreign policy, international law, and the realities of the region.”

Read More

“Pompeo’s Demands on Iran At Odds with Reality,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, LobeLog, May 22, 2018.


Interviews, مقاله ها

BBC Hardtalk: Former Spokesman for Iran’s Nuclear Negotiations Team – Seyed Hossein Mousavian

“How will Tehran react to President Trump’s decision to dump the Iran nuclear deal? Stephen Sackur speaks to Seyed Hossein Mousavian, former spokesman for Iran’s nuclear negotiations team. In the face of intense pressure from the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia, the Iranian government has a choice. Does it make a concerted effort to keep the agreement intact along with the other signatories, or does it ramp up its nuclear programme and hang the consequences?”

Video (Britain Only)


English Transcript

“Former Spokesman for Iran’s Nuclear Negotiations Team – Seyed Hossein Mousavian,” BBC Hardtalk, May 16, 2018.


Lectures, Media, Media Coverage, مقاله ها

Is peace possible?

“With the May 8 announcement by President Donald J. Trump that the U.S. would withdraw its support for a 2015 nuclear nonproliferation agreement with Iran, the Middle East, and the world at large, are entering a dangerous new era … That was the assessment of Seyed Hossein Mousavian, a former nuclear negotiator for Iran and current nuclear policy specialist at Princeton University, who spoke to the Windham World Affairs Council on May 11 at Centre Congregational Church.”

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“Is peace possible?” Randolph Holhut, The Common Online, May 16, 2018.


انتشارات, مقاله ها

مقاله موسویان درمجله فارین افرز آمریکا – تبعات استراتژیک مصیبت بار ترک برجام

تصمیم ترامپ برای لغو برجام به خاطر دستاورد سیاست خارجی باراک اوباما، رئیس جمهور قبل و متحدین اروپایی آمریکا بود. با لغو برجام توسط آمریکا و درصورت عدم اقدام اروپا در تامین تعهدات اقتصادی پیش بینی شده در برجام، ایران به سمت قدرتهای رقیب سیاسی غرب همچون روسیه و چین خواهد رفت ضمن اینکه جناح های سیاسی داخلی ایران هم جملگی قانع خواهند شد که گفتگو با آمریکا خاصیتی ندارد.

ادامه مطلب

مقاله موسویان درمجله فارین افرز آمریکا – تبعات استراتژیک مصیبت بار ترک برجام – سیدحسین موسویان – خبرآنلاین- شنبه 22 اردیبهشت 1397.

پوشش رسانه ای



Articles, Publications, مقاله ها

The Strategic Disaster of Leaving the Iran Deal




“Trump’s decision undoes the signature foreign policy achievement of his predecessor, Barack Obama, and represents an affront to the United States’ European allies, which had strongly lobbied the Trump administration to remain in the deal. But the more enduring impact will be in Tehran, where Trump’s nixing of the JCPOA—and Europe’s response—will push Iran’s leaders to move decisively into the camp of the United States’ geopolitical rivals. It will also shift the policy debate among Iran’s elites, who have for several years argued over the merits of dialogue with the United States. Now, that debate is settled. Iran has learned that negotiating with Washington is a dead end. Instead, it will seek to strengthen its ties with non-Western powers, including China and Russia.”

Read More

“The Strategic Disaster of Leaving the Iran Deal,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Foreign Affairs, May 10, 2018.


Interviews, مقاله ها

Iran to negotiate with Europeans, Russia and China about remaining in nuclear deal


A day after Donald Trump withdrew the US from the Iran nuclear deal Europe, Russia and China are pulling out all diplomatic stops to try and save it.


Iran says it’s open to staying in the nuclear deal but its leadership has also warned Iran will start enriching uranium at uncapped levels if those diplomatic talks fail.


US President Donald Trump meanwhile is not stepping back but says the US will try to negotiate a better deal.


Efforts to salvage the agreement will continue next week with Iranian officials set to meet their counterparts from France, Britain and Germany.

Link to Interview

“Iran to negotiate with Europeans, Russia and China about remaining in nuclear deal,” RN, May 10, 2018.