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Unprecedented Anti-Iran Tendencies Gain Momentum in White House

“[D]uring the Trump administration and with taking this opportunity, the unified Tel Aviv-Riyadh-Abu Dhabi lobby has fully succeeded in imposing its demands on the decision-making system in Washington against Iran, and they are not facing serious obstacles.”

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“Unprecedented Anti-Iran Tendencies Gain Momentum in White House,” Iran Front Page, December 1, 2017.

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US, UAE, Saudi Arabia Forming Alliance against Iran

“It has been months that the lobbyists from Riyadh, Tel Aviv and Abu Dhabi are urging the White House to cut off the tail of the region’s snake (the Lebanese Hezbollah movement) before cutting off Iran’s head. There are signs that a triangle comprising Washington, Tel Aviv and Riyadh is taking shape to counter Iran in the region, including efforts to deal a blow to the Iran nuclear deal (known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the JCPOA) …”

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“US, UAE, Saudi Arabia Forming Alliance against Iran,” Iran Front Page, December 2, 2017.

Interviews, Media, Media Coverage, مقاله ها

Iran Sees Its Rivals Uniting as Israel Talks Up Saudi Ties

“It appears there is a new scenario being drawn for Iran,” said Hossein Mousavian, a former spokesman for Iran’s team of nuclear negotiators and a Middle East security analyst at Princeton University. The emerging alliance “needs to be taken seriously and it will have consequences,” he said. “We need to think of ways to improve relations” with the Saudis.

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“Iran Sees Its Rivals Uniting as Israel Talks Up Saudi Ties,” Ladane Nasseri and Marc Champion, Bloomberg, November 23, 2017.


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Iran, Trump and wickedness of neighbor

“While [former US president Barack] Obama was in the office, Washington avoided attacking Iran and Syria, opted to engage with Iran, accepted the Iran nuclear deal, ratified uranium enrichment and heavy water in Iran, conceded Iran’s removal from chapter seven to the UN charter and annulment of all six international resolutions against Iran and suggested Saudi Arabia that Riyadh should also engage with Iran … These measures by the Obama administration infuriated the Tel Aviv-Riyadh-UAE axis and the ‘neighbor’s sedition’ took form through a hidden but strategic alliance; some of whose effects have been unveiled and some are still to be uncovered.”

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“Iran, Trump and wickedness of neighbor,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, IRNA, October 22, 2017.

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War not bringing security for S.Arabia: Former Iranian diplomat

War and military aggression would not lead to establishing security, Mousavian said in a televised forum hosted by CGTN (China Global Television Network). Diplomacy should have been put on Saudis’ agenda from the very beginning of the conflict in order to reach peace through dialogue, according to Mousavian.

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“War not bringing security for S.Arabia: Former Iranian diplomat,” IRNA, July 29, 2017.

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Russia-Iran strategic ties keep US guessing

“On the other hand, European Union has maintained support for the Iran nuclear deal. At a recent Track II held in Beirut, former Iranian diplomat and a close associate of Rouhani, Seyed Hossein Mousavian gave his prognosis on the US’ options: ‘They would let the deal go on, but they would try to undo practically the Iranian nuclear deal through many other sanctions under … the umbrella of terrorism, missiles, human rights and regional issues.’

Russia-Iran strategic ties keep US guessing,” MK Bhadrakumar, Indian Punchline, March 26, 2017.

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Trump’s ‘moderate’ defense secretary has already brought us to the brink of war

Am I exaggerating? Ask the Iranians. “Boarding an Iranian ship is a shortcut” to confrontation, says Seyyed Hossein Mousavian, former member of Iran’s National Security Council and a close ally of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. Even if a firefight in international waters were avoided, the Islamic Republic, Mousavian tells me, “would retaliate” and has “many other options for retaliation.”

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“Trump’s ‘moderate’ defense secretary has already brought us to the brink of war,” Mehdi Hassan, The Intercept, March 1, 2017.

Media, Media Coverage

Book on Iran-U.S. relationship reprinted

According to IBNA correspondent, the book ‘Iran and America; past failure and reconciliation path’ is republished by Tisa publications.

The book consists of eight chapters with the following topics; ‘The relationship between Iran and America, from friendship to enmity’, ‘Hostage crisis, distrust and misunderstanding’, ‘Decade of war and stabilizing the revolution 1980 – 1989’, ‘A pragmatic president’, ‘The rise of the reform movement in Iran (1997 – 2005)’, ‘Ending sixteen years of mediocrity’, ‘Two views about the main conflicts’ and ‘The roadmap to peace’.

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Book on Iran-U.S. Relationship reprinted,” IBNA, December 19, 2015.