Articles, Publications

Dealing With Iran: The Key Word Is ‘Respect’

In “Talk to Tehran, but Talk Tough” (Op-Ed, Jan. 19), Nicholas Burns, a former under secretary of state, calls for President Obama and whoever succeeds him to find a “right balance” on Iran that straddles “between cooperation on nuclear issues and containment of Iranian aggression.” The surefire way to ensure that Iran abandons its obligations under the deal is to return to a policy of coercion.

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Dealing With Iran: The Key Word Is ‘Respect,” Hossein Mousavian, New York Times, January 26, 2016.

Articles, Publications

L’Iran d’Hassan Rohani est une chance pour la France (French)

Le président iranien Hassan Rohani est arrivé à Paris le 27 janvier. Cette visite marque le début d’une nouvelle ère des relations politiques et économiques entre les deux pays. Les conséquences d’un approfondissement de leurs liens se feront sentir au Proche-Orient et en Europe. Reste à savoir si ces pourparlers directs entre les présidents français et iranien déboucheront sur une relation solide et durable entre Paris et Téhéran.

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English Version

Farsi Version

L’Iran d’Hassan Rohani est une chance pour la France,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Le  Monde, January 27, 2016.


Conference Report: Iran and the World: Issues and Perspectives

The 14th War and  Peace in the 21st Century seminar, held at the Palau de Pedralbes on January 16th 2016, organised by CIDOB and the Barcelona City Council in collaboration with ESADEgeo Center for Global Economy and Politics and supported by “la Caixa” Foundation assessed the current domestic context in Iran and the regional implications of the implementation of the nuclear deal reached with the international community.

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