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Former diplomat warns about ‘Triple Alliance’ threat against Iran

“A few days ago at Willard Hotel, during a meeting on US’ lack of commitment to the Iran-G5+1 nuclear deal, prominent disarmament expert from one of the US think tanks said that despite all the Riyadh-Tel Aviv-Abu Dhabi pressures, the chances are remote that the Congress will decertify the Deal, unless in the coming few weeks, some new developments happen to change the Congress’ equations.”

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“Former diplomat warns about ‘Triple Alliance’ threat against Iran,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, IRNA, November 8, 2017.

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An Iranian Nuclear Business Deal for Trump

“If the Trump administration’s concern is that after the JCPOA’s major limitations expire by 2040, there is a possibility that Iran will move towards developing nuclear weapons, undermining the JCPOA is illogical, as this will end the JCPOA’s stipulations today and not 2040. Instead, the Trump White House can view the long-term duration of the JCPOA as a way to gain confidence over the nature of Iran’s nuclear program. The best way to do this is to pursue nuclear cooperation with Iran.”

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“An Iranian Nuclear Business Deal for Trump,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Harvard’s Belfer Center, November 1, 2017.

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Trump’s new Iran policy seeks perennial conflict

“Trump’s decertification of the JCPOA and his ultra-hawkish, anti-Iran rhetoric have not only alienated US allies, but predictably united a usually divided Iranian public behind their government. Moreover, with his vociferous attacks on Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the IRGC, Trump has ruled out any possibility for negotiations with Tehran and put the two countries on a dangerous trajectory toward war.”

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“Trump’s new Iran policy seeks perennial conflict,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Al Monitor, October 18, 2017.

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Iran, Trump and wickedness of neighbor

“While [former US president Barack] Obama was in the office, Washington avoided attacking Iran and Syria, opted to engage with Iran, accepted the Iran nuclear deal, ratified uranium enrichment and heavy water in Iran, conceded Iran’s removal from chapter seven to the UN charter and annulment of all six international resolutions against Iran and suggested Saudi Arabia that Riyadh should also engage with Iran … These measures by the Obama administration infuriated the Tel Aviv-Riyadh-UAE axis and the ‘neighbor’s sedition’ took form through a hidden but strategic alliance; some of whose effects have been unveiled and some are still to be uncovered.”

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“Iran, Trump and wickedness of neighbor,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, IRNA, October 22, 2017.


Unclear on nuclear? Seyed Hossein Mousavian, nuclear policy specialist at Princeton University

“The United States and Iran reverted to their habitual game of chicken, threatening to abandon the nuclear deal and counting on the adversary to be the first to do that. While open hostility has been the most typical feature of their relationship over the past four decades, could it lead to anything extraordinary this time around? To discuss this, Oksana is joined by Seyed Hossein Mousavian, a former nuclear negotiator for Iran and nuclear policy specialist at Princeton University.”

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“Unclear on nuclear? Seyed Hossein Mousavian, nuclear policy specialist at Princeton University,” RT, October 19, 2017.

Interviews, مقاله ها

Here’s How Trump is Dragging the U.S. to the Brink of War

“The current U.S. administration policies would contribute to more instability and disorder in the Middle East and beyond,” says Seyed Hossein Mousavian, a senior negotiator in the Iran nuclear issue during the administration of former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, and now a Princeton University visiting research scholar.

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“Here’s How Trump is Dragging the U.S. to the Brink of War,” Massoud Hayoun, Pacific Standard, October 13, 2017.