Events, Lectures, مقاله ها

Turkish Heritage Organization: “Old Rivalries, New Dynamics” Surrounding the Syria Crisis

Turkish Heritage Organization: “Old Rivalries, New Dynamics” Surrounding the Syria Crisis

During THO’s December 7, 2017 panel at the National Press Club – “Lessons from the Syria Crisis: Old Rivalries, New Dynamics” – former high-level government officials addressed the effect of the Syria conflict on traditional relationships and tensions between actors like Russia, Turkey, Iran, and the U.S.

The panel was moderated by Dr. Sinem Vatanartiran (President, BAU International University), and featured the following speakers:

Amb. Lincoln P. Bloomfield, Jr. – Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Political Military Affairs; Distinguished Fellow and Chairman Emeritus at the Stimson Center;

Amb. Seyed Hossein Mousavian – Former Iranian Ambassador to Germany; Middle East Security and Nuclear Policy Specialist at Princeton University;

Barry Pavel – Senior Vice President, Arnold Kanter Chair, and Director of the Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security at the Atlantic Council.

Description of the Event


انتشارات, مقاله ها

اما در دولت ترامپ و با استفاده از فرصت به‌هم‌ریختگی مذکور، لابی متحد تل‌آویو – ریاض – ابوظبی تاکنون کاملا در تحمیل خواسته‌های خود بر سیستم تصمیم‌گیری در واشنگتن علیه ایران موفق بوده و با موانع جدی هم مواجه نیستند.

ادامه مطلب

غوغای سیاست‌های ضدایرانی در واشنگتن – سیدحسین موسویان – شرق – ۱۳۹۶ چهارشنبه ۸ آذر.

Events, Lectures, مقاله ها

Former Ambassadors Discuss U.S.-Iran Relations and the Nuclear Deal

“Two former diplomats and experts of foreign relations visited Hamilton College on Nov. 30 for a discussion on U.S.–Iran relations and the nuclear deal. Thomas Pickering and Seyed Hossein Mousavian answered questions from moderator Emad Kiyaei, the Sol M. Linowitz Visiting Professor of International Affairs, and from the audience.”

Read More

“Former Ambassadors Discuss U.S.-Iran Relations and the Nuclear Deal,” Maggie Denoon, Hamilton, December 1, 2017.


Interview: Former Iranian Diplomat To Discuss Nuclear Deal At Hamilton College

“One of President Obama’s policies reversed by the Trump administration is the nuclear agreement with Iran, which President Trump refused to recertify, saying it was not in America’s interest. Thursday evening at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York, former U.N. Ambassador Thomas Pickering will be part of a discussion on U.S.-Iran relations and the nuclear deal, which will also include former ambassador and diplomat for Iran and now Princeton University scholar Seyed Hossein Mousavian.”

Full Interview

“Former Iranian Diplomat To Discuss Nuclear Deal At Hamilton College,” Brian Shields, WAMC Northeast Public Radio, November 29, 2017.

Articles, Media, Media Coverage, Publications, مقاله ها

Unprecedented Anti-Iran Tendencies Gain Momentum in White House

“[D]uring the Trump administration and with taking this opportunity, the unified Tel Aviv-Riyadh-Abu Dhabi lobby has fully succeeded in imposing its demands on the decision-making system in Washington against Iran, and they are not facing serious obstacles.”

Read More

“Unprecedented Anti-Iran Tendencies Gain Momentum in White House,” Iran Front Page, December 1, 2017.

Articles, Media, Media Coverage, Publications, مقاله ها

US, UAE, Saudi Arabia Forming Alliance against Iran

“It has been months that the lobbyists from Riyadh, Tel Aviv and Abu Dhabi are urging the White House to cut off the tail of the region’s snake (the Lebanese Hezbollah movement) before cutting off Iran’s head. There are signs that a triangle comprising Washington, Tel Aviv and Riyadh is taking shape to counter Iran in the region, including efforts to deal a blow to the Iran nuclear deal (known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the JCPOA) …”

Read More

“US, UAE, Saudi Arabia Forming Alliance against Iran,” Iran Front Page, December 2, 2017.

Interviews, Media, Media Coverage, مقاله ها

Iran Sees Its Rivals Uniting as Israel Talks Up Saudi Ties

“It appears there is a new scenario being drawn for Iran,” said Hossein Mousavian, a former spokesman for Iran’s team of nuclear negotiators and a Middle East security analyst at Princeton University. The emerging alliance “needs to be taken seriously and it will have consequences,” he said. “We need to think of ways to improve relations” with the Saudis.

Read More

“Iran Sees Its Rivals Uniting as Israel Talks Up Saudi Ties,” Ladane Nasseri and Marc Champion, Bloomberg, November 23, 2017.


انتشارات, مقاله ها

روش اشتباه برای مقابله با برنامه موشکی ایران

درغیر اینصورت برخورد گزینشی و تبعیض آمیزعلیه توان نظامی ایران، همراه با تاکید مقامات آمریکا درمورد “سیاست تغییر رژیم” و “روی میز بودن گزینه نظامی” علیه ایران، به معنی قصد آمریکا برای تضعیف توان بازدارندگی جهت تسهیل حمله نظامی به ایران تلقی خواهد شد. این روند موجب نیاز ایران به بهره مندی از توان بازدارندگی موثرترخواهد شد که طبیعتا تقابل ایران و آمریکا درمسیر مصیبت باررا گسترش خواهد داد.

ادامه مطلب

روش اشتباه برای مقابله با برنامه موشکی ایران – سید امیر حسین موسویان – المانیتور –  آبان ۳۰, ۱۳۹۶.


Articles, Publications, مقاله ها

The wrong way to address Iran’s missile program

“[T]o discriminate against Iran for its military capabilities while US officials insist on policies of ‘regime change’ and ‘all options on the table’ signals to Iranian decision-makers that the United States seeks to weaken Iran’s means of deterrence to more easily attack it. This, in turn, compels Tehran to invest more in developing effective deterrents. This steers the United States and Iran into an escalatory cycle that could lead to disastrous conflict.”

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“The wrong way to address Iran’s missile program,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Al Monitor, November 21, 2017.