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Resolving the Afghanistan crisis, Peace requires global buy-in, not more bombs

Now is the time for global and regional powers to implement a comprehensive plan for peace in Afghanistan. “Everywhere you look, if there is trouble inside the region you find Iran,” U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis recently declared. However, he should not forget that the chief reason for the successful 2001 overthrow of the Taliban was largely due to Iranian cooperation. At the time, in response, Iran was slapped with the “axis of evil” designation and the U.S. sought to marginalize it from Afghanistan, which only served to contribute to the country’s deteriorating situation.

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“Resolving the Afghanistan crisis, Peace requires global buy-in, not more bombs,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, The Washington Times, April 25, 2017.

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Trump’s Syria Strike Puts America At The Precipice Of Another Middle East War

“Trump’s strike changed the dynamic and put us on a path toward confrontation. His actions in Syria will herald the following 10 consequences and side effects, which, when taken together, could unleash an imbroglio the likes of which could be worse than what followed the Iraq War.”

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“Trump’s Syria Strike Puts America At The Precipice Of Another Middle East War,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, The Huffington Post, April 13, 2017.



Articles, Publications

Iran Has a Chance for a Historic Leap, and It Should Appreciate It

“Trump’s decisions will bring deep changes, both to the United States and to the world. These changes will create serious threats for Iran, but on the other hand, domestic and international challenges that Trump’s administration will face, can create opportunities for Tehran. While other countries are spending millions of dollars per year to build a support base among the American public and build a sociopolitical barrier against any hostile decision against them by American politicians, Iran has always ignored such initiatives.”

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“Iran Has a Chance for a Historic Leap, and It Should Appreciate It,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Iranian Diplomacy, April 2, 2017.



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Trump’s ISIS challenge: Given the President’s many impulses, some contradictory, it’s far, far easier said than done

“Trump’s instincts on the need to seriously address the ISIS threat are correct. Indeed, the UN Security Council has also referred to ISIS as a leading global threat. However, Trump will face five major challenges in any attempt to destroy ISIS, which his own contradictory aims and positions only serve to exacerbate.”

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“Trump’s ISIS challenge: Given the President’s many impulses, some contradictory, it’s far, far easier said than done,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, NY Daily News, March 16, 2017.

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Egyptian-Iranian détente a boon for the region and beyond

“Egypt and Iran are the respective powerhouses of the Sunni Arab and Shia worlds. Cooperation between them can play a critical role in managing regional conflict, alleviating Sunni-Shia sectarianism, and containing calamitous regional civil wars. Critically, Iran and Egypt also have principally a similar stance on terrorist groups such as ISIS and al- Qaeda. Therefore Cairo-Tehran have great historical responsibility to establish strategic cooperation to manage devastating crises in the region.”

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“Egyptian-Iranian détente a boon for the region and beyond,” Asia Times, Seyed Hossein Mousavian and Yassin El-Ayouty, March 1, 2017.



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Assessing the state of the Iran nuclear deal

“There has now been one year of successful Iranian implementation of the JCPOA despite repeated US violations of the spirit of the deal. However, the Trump administration’s saberrattling over Iranian missile tests is set to undo the deal, while its new sanctions under the umbrella of human rights, terrorism, weapons of mass destruction and regional issues are bringing tensions between the US and Iran to dangerous new heights.”

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“Assessing the state of the Iran nuclear deal,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, The Security Times, February 2017.

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Designating Iran’s Revolutionary Guards As Terrorists Will Have Dire Consequences

“CENTCOM and the Qods Force are the most powerful and influential outside actors in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, and the Persian Gulf. Even in Yemen, American and Saudi officials contend the Qods Force is a primary opponent. As such, if there is to be a peaceful solution to any regional crises, cooperation with the IRGC is a must. To label it terrorist will shut the door on opportunities for successful diplomacy.”

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“Designating Iran’s Revolutionary Guards As Terrorists Will Have Dire Consequences,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, The Huffington Post, February 16, 2017.


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Las medidas aterradoras de Trump (Eight Reasons Why Trump’s Start on the Middle East is Frightening)

“A hope had emerged for U.S.-Iran peace in recent years that Trump’s actions are set to destroy. The United States and Iran and both regional heavyweights, and a confrontation between them would be severely destabilizing for the entire region. The extent to which Trump’s executive order runs counter to international values and laws, the fight against terrorism and the cause of international peace and stability, can be encapsulated in eight points.”

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“Las medidas aterradoras de Trump,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, El Pais, February 9, 2017.