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The Strategic Disaster of Leaving the Iran Deal




“Trump’s decision undoes the signature foreign policy achievement of his predecessor, Barack Obama, and represents an affront to the United States’ European allies, which had strongly lobbied the Trump administration to remain in the deal. But the more enduring impact will be in Tehran, where Trump’s nixing of the JCPOA—and Europe’s response—will push Iran’s leaders to move decisively into the camp of the United States’ geopolitical rivals. It will also shift the policy debate among Iran’s elites, who have for several years argued over the merits of dialogue with the United States. Now, that debate is settled. Iran has learned that negotiating with Washington is a dead end. Instead, it will seek to strengthen its ties with non-Western powers, including China and Russia.”

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“The Strategic Disaster of Leaving the Iran Deal,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Foreign Affairs, May 10, 2018.


Interviews, مقاله ها

Iran to negotiate with Europeans, Russia and China about remaining in nuclear deal


A day after Donald Trump withdrew the US from the Iran nuclear deal Europe, Russia and China are pulling out all diplomatic stops to try and save it.


Iran says it’s open to staying in the nuclear deal but its leadership has also warned Iran will start enriching uranium at uncapped levels if those diplomatic talks fail.


US President Donald Trump meanwhile is not stepping back but says the US will try to negotiate a better deal.


Efforts to salvage the agreement will continue next week with Iranian officials set to meet their counterparts from France, Britain and Germany.

Link to Interview

“Iran to negotiate with Europeans, Russia and China about remaining in nuclear deal,” RN, May 10, 2018.


Interviews, مقاله ها

Iranians fear the future after Trump exits Iran nuclear deal


“Seyed Hossein Mousavian, a Middle East security and nuclear policy specialist at Princeton University who is a former spokesman for Iran in its nuclear negotiations with the West, said it was inevitable that Iranians would lose trust in the U.S. because of Trump’s decision to violate the agreement.

He predicted that the country would no longer be prepared to “engage with the U.S. to negotiate on other disputed issues like weapons of mass destruction, terrorism and the regional conflicts.”


Mousavian also suggested that Iran is now likely to turn its back on the West and instead build closer diplomatic and trade ties with Russia and China.”

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“Iranians fear the future after Trump exits Iran nuclear deal,” NBC News, Ali Arouzi and Saphora Smith, May 10, 2018.

Interviews, مقاله ها

Mark and Denise in the Mornings

“Unpacking the morning news we started talking about the Iran Nuclear Deal and President Trump’s announcement to withdraw from the agreement. To break that down, we welcomed to the phone lines Dr. Marc Lamont Hill to go into details. The 8 o’clock hour, sponsored by POWER, continued the conversation on the Iran Nuclear Deal as we brought to the show for the first time Mr. Seyed Hossein Mousavian Middle East Security and Nuclear Policy Specialist from Princeton University to get world reaction.”

Interview Link

“Mark and Denise in the Mornings,” WWDB-AM Talk 860, May 9, 2018.

Articles, Publications, مقاله ها

A dangerous new US-Iran escalation

“By trying to undo the JCPOA, Trump discredits the notion of US-Iran diplomatic engagement and radicalizes Iranian policies. Indeed, Trump has officially declared a regime-change policy towards Iran, as his speech made clear, setting himself on an all-out confrontational path against Iran. A dangerous new US-Iran escalation will now ensue, and it will have the real potential of resulting in a devastating war that will make the costs of the Iraq War pale in comparison.”

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“A dangerous new US-Iran escalation,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, May 9, 2018.


انتشارات, مصاحبه ها, مقاله ها

سید حسین موسویان در مقاله ای در خبرگزاری رویترز نوشت: زورگویی به ایران نتیجه معکوس خواهد داشت

سابقه روابط ایران و امریکا نشان می‌دهد که ایران تسلیم فشارهای آمریکا نمی‌شود. تجربیات دست اول من ازسوابق کاری گذشته بعنوان مسئول کمیته سیاست خارجی دبیرخانه شورایعالی امنیت ملی و سخنگوی پرونده هسته ای ایران نشان می‌دهد که ایران در مقابل فشارهای امریکا دست به هر کاری میزند تا دست برتر پیدا کند. شیوه رهبران ایران این است که در مقابل فشار، با انعطاف ناپذیری و سرسختی واکنش نشان می‌دهند. تجربه گذشته مذاکرات هسته ای نشان داد در مقابل مخالفت امریکا با حق غنی سازی، ایران برنامه و توان هسته ای خود را توسعه داد. لذا کلید حل بحران هسته ای ایران تحریم ها نبود بلکه پذیرش غنی سازی و چرخه سوخت ایران بود که در حقیقت آمریکا تسلیم خط قرمز ایران شد.

ادامه مطلب

سید حسین موسویان در مقاله ای در خبرگزاری رویترز نوشت: زورگویی به ایران نتیجه معکوس خواهد داشت – ایسنا – ۱۲ اردیبهشت ۱۳۹۷.

پوشش رسانه ای:


نامه نیوز

Interviews, مقاله ها

Iran must engage in NPT subject to full JCPOA implementation

On Trump’s views about amending the JCPOA, Seyed Hossein Mousavian told PD: “Trump’s demands to amend the JCPOA have no legal and logical basis; because the agreement has been backed both by the UN Security Council and the IAEA.” To the question of what Iran will decide if Trump withdraws from the JCPOA, he answered: “I am not aware of the decisions made by Iranian authorities, but I believe Iran should use the guidelines provided in the JCPOA and take its grievances to the mutual commission set up with the P5+1 signatories.”

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“Iran must engage in NPT subject to full JCPOA implementation,” Persia Digest, May 5, 2018.

Articles, Publications, مقاله ها

Commentary: How Bullying Iran Could Backfire for Trump

“Implicit in Trump’s approach is that he can bully and pressure Iran into meeting his demands. However, the track record of U.S.-Iran relations since the 1979 Iranian revolution leaves little room to believe that Iran concedes to pressure. As a former Iranian diplomat who served as the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of Iran’s National Security and spokesman for Iran’s nuclear negotiating team, I know from firsthand experience that Tehran responds to pressure by doing everything it can to produce leverage for itself.”

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“Commentary: How Bullying Iran Could Backfire for Trump,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Reuters, May 1, 2018.