Articles, Publications

How to Resolve the Syrian Crisis and Alleviate the ISIS Threat

On March 27, the Syrian army liberated Palmyra from the barbarians. No doubt it was a very important day for Syria. Moreover, after nearly two weeks, representatives of the Syrian government and opposition have paused peace talks in Geneva. The negotiations wrapped up at the end of a tumultuous week, revealing how far-reaching the consequences of the Syrian conflict are and the urgent need to find political resolution. The terrorist attack in Brussels, which leftover 30 dead and more than 300 injured, demonstrates the need for a unified Syrian front against the so-called Islamic State.

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How to Resolve the Syrian Crisis and Alleviate the ISIS Threat,” Hossein Mousavian, The Huffington Post, March 29, 2016.

Articles, Publications

The New Iranian Parliament Is Loyal to Khamenei but Advocating for Rouhani

On Feb. 26, Iran held its 10th parliamentary election since the 1979 Islamic Revolution and fifth election for its Assembly of Experts, the clerical body that appoints the supreme leader. Members of parliament serve four-year terms, while members of the assembly serve 8-year terms. The elections were relatively competitive; nearly 5,000 candidates vied for 290 seats in parliament and 161 for 88 seats in the Assembly of Experts.

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The New Iranian Parliament Is Loyal to Khamenei but Advocating for Rouhani,” Hossein Mousavian, The Huffington Post, March 2, 2016.


Saudi Arabia and Iran: Saudi Arabia and Iran: An Improbable Detente?

Ever since the Islamic Revolution in 1979, a number of factors have fueled the tensions between Tehran and Riyadh, especially the Iraqi invasion of Iran in 1980. In invading Iran, Saddam Hussein sought to disintegrate the Islamic Republic – and inflicted tremendous suffering on the Iranian people.

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“Saudi Arabia and Iran: Saudi Arabia and Iran: An Improbable Detente?” An Improbable Detente?” APuZ, February 22, 2016.


Articles, Publications

The Iran-Saudi Conflict and the End Game

“Iran has to choose whether it wants to live by the rules of the international system, or remain a revolutionary state committed to expansion and to defiance of international law,” Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia Adel al Jubeir stated recently in an op-ed in the New York Times.

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The Iran-Saudi Conflict and the End Game,” Ambassador Seyed Hossein Mousavian and Mehrdad Saberi, Harvard Belfer Center, February 18, 2016.


Iran-Europe Ties: Past, Present, and Future

Seyyed Hossein Mousavian, a former official at Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) and an ex-member of Iran’s nuclear negotiating team, has spoken about the efforts made by different Iranian administrations within the past decades to enhance the country’s ties with Europe, and the requirements for having sustainable ties with the European Union.

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Iran-Europe Ties: Past, Present, and Future,” Iran Front Page, February 5, 2016.


İran’ın yaptırım zincirinden kurtulması bölgeyi etkileyecek (Turkish)

İran’a yönelik ekonomik ve finansal yaptırımların kaldırılmasını değerlendiren uzmanlar, daha zengin İran’ın daha fazla istikrarsızlık üreteceği tahmininde bulunurken, ekonomik açıdan ise olumlu yansımaları olacağı öngörüsünde bulundular.

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“İran’ın yaptırım zincirinden kurtulması bölgeyi etkileyecek,” Hasan Tosun, AA, January 20, 2016.


¿Qué se puede esperar del ‘nuevo’ Irán? (Spanish)

“Estaban desesperados”, juzga el exportavoz iraní durante las negociaciones nucleares Seyyed Hossein Mousavian en conversación con La en el marco la conferencia War & Peace organizada por el Cidob. Los Saud saben que con el acercamiento entre EE.UU. e Irán ellos van a dejar de ser tan significantes, por lo que intentarán socavar la confianza en los ayatolás tratando de forzar una crisis.

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“¿Qué se puede esperar del ‘nuevo’ Irán?” Marina Meseguer, LavanGuardia, January, 20, 2016.