Interviews, مقاله ها

What kind of Syria awaits the war-ravaged?

“Ambassador Seyed Hossein Mousavian, a Middle-East security specialist and Iran’s nuclear negotiator, offers a five-point solution: ‘Preservation of Syrian unity; sovereignty and rights of minorities; preventing the collapse of the military and security establishment; a power-sharing coalition to run Syria; respecting the will of majority and their right to choose their constitutional leadership through a UN-supervised free election.’”

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“What kind of Syria awaits the war-ravaged?” Seema Sengupta, Asia Times, February 9, 2017.

Articles, Publications, مقاله ها

Trump Cannot Afford To Shut Out Iran If He Wants To Defeat ISIS

“Trump’s current foreign policy approach is not only self-defeating, but also forgoes a golden opportunity to shape a coherent strategy that would allow him to usher in a political solution to the Syrian war, destroy ISIS and repair U.S. ties with the Kremlin. Improved U.S-Russia relations will also open the door to Moscow serving as an interlocutor facilitating mutually beneficial U.S.-Iran engagement.”

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“Trump Cannot Afford To Shut Out Iran If He Wants To Defeat ISIS,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, The Huffington Post, January 31, 2017.

Articles, Publications, مقاله ها

Death of Iran’s Rafsanjani: Ex-president was a man of peace

“[Rafsanjani’s] most significant legacy, however, will be of ingraining a mindset of moderation and aversion to radicalism in Iran and the region. While many in the West did not comprehend this in his time, costing him dearly politically, he passed the torch to a new generation in Tehran, making it still possible to right past wrongs and reach the breakthroughs he long fought for but never lived to see.”

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“Death of Iran’s Rafsanjani: Ex-president was a man of peace,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, CNN, January 10, 2017.

Articles, Publications, مقاله ها

What Trump Needs To Know About Iran

“Trump has the option of engaging Iran and bringing stability to a region that has not known it for decades. While distrust between the two countries remains thick in the aftermath of the nuclear deal, the key to broader cooperation is to abandon self-defeating aspirations for regime change and engage in diplomacy based on mutual respect, shared interests and non-interference in each other’s political affairs.”

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“What Trump Needs To Know About Iran,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, The Huffington Post, January 6, 2017.

Events, Lectures, مقاله ها

US-Islamic World Relations: What’s Next?

MEDAYS FORUM 2016 in Tangiers, Morocco. Panel Discussion on “US-Islamic World Relations: What’s Next After the Failure of the Obama Administration?”

US-Islamic World Relations: What’s Next?” MEDays 2016, Avec Manuel Hassassian, Philip J. Crowley, Hossein Mousavian, Mouafac Harb, Hasni Abidi, Olivier Kempf and Ramadan Abu Jazar. Moderated by Anas El Gomati, December 10, 2016.

Full Video of Panel Discussion



Articles, Publications

How Trump can deal with Iran-GCC conflict

The Helsinki Accords started a process whereby the states of NATO and the Warsaw Pact, as well the neutral states of Europe, could sit down without preconditions and discuss their security concerns … The West must use its leverage with its GCC allies to encourage them to engage Iran. Only through such talks aimed at an established regional cooperation system akin to the OSCE — where local powers take into consideration each other’s interests and cooperate against common threats — can a durable peace be reached in the Persian Gulf.

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How Trump can deal with Iran-GCC conflict,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Al Monitor, November 29, 2016.

Events, Lectures

Regional Security Cooperation in the Gulf: Helsinki as a Model

Regional Security Cooperation in the Gulf: Helsinki as a Model,” Panel Discussion, Third Annual Abu Dhabi Strategic Debate, November 13, 2016.

  • Abdulrahman Al Rashed, MBC Board Member, Writer for Asharq- Al-Awsat.
  • Dr. Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Middle East Security and Nuclear Policy Specialist at Princeton University, and former Diplomat.
  • Dr. Michael Singh, Managing Director and Senior Fellow at The Washington Institute.
  • Dr. Sultan Al Nuaimi, Expert on Iranian Affairs and faculty member of the University of Abu Dhabi.

Moderator: Dr. Mahmoud Mohamedou, Deputy Director and Academic Dean at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy

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