Books, Publications

Dr. Mousavian’s Latest Book “A Middle East Free of Weapons of Mass Destruction”

Weapons of mass destruction pose an existential threat to global peace and security. But nowhere is it more urgent to stem their spread than in the Middle East, a region fraught with mistrust and instability. Accounting for these geopolitical realities, including the ongoing talks to curb Iran’s nuclear program, the authors present a practical and innovative strategy to a Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

Dr. Mousavian outlines an approach toward disarmament in the region, prescribing confidence-building measures and verification tools to create trust among the region’s governments. Their vision also sees the realization of a WMD-free zone within a broader regional agenda for security and cooperation to advance socioeconomic and political progress.

Link to the Routledge 

Articles, Publications

Dealing With Iran: The Key Word Is ‘Respect’

In “Talk to Tehran, but Talk Tough” (Op-Ed, Jan. 19), Nicholas Burns, a former under secretary of state, calls for President Obama and whoever succeeds him to find a “right balance” on Iran that straddles “between cooperation on nuclear issues and containment of Iranian aggression.” The surefire way to ensure that Iran abandons its obligations under the deal is to return to a policy of coercion.

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Dealing With Iran: The Key Word Is ‘Respect,” Hossein Mousavian, New York Times, January 26, 2016.


Conference Report: Iran and the World: Issues and Perspectives

The 14th War and  Peace in the 21st Century seminar, held at the Palau de Pedralbes on January 16th 2016, organised by CIDOB and the Barcelona City Council in collaboration with ESADEgeo Center for Global Economy and Politics and supported by “la Caixa” Foundation assessed the current domestic context in Iran and the regional implications of the implementation of the nuclear deal reached with the international community.

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Articles, Publications

If Congress Rejects the Iran Deal, It Would Be a Historic Blunder

The comprehensive nuclear agreement reached between Iran and six world powers represents a milestone achievement for the cause of global peace and security. Such a diplomatic resolution to a long-running dispute between rival powers has only rarely occurred in history. With this historic deal at hand, the dawn of a new age of relations between Iran and the United States is within sight.


The morphing of the Iranian nuclear dispute into a zero-sum battle in which war seemed an inevitability, coupled with the presence of prudent leadership in Tehran and Washington that understood this reality, spurred the diplomatic approach that led to this deal. This roughly 100-page agreement, meticulously crafted by the indefatigable diplomats of Iran and the P5+1, not only averts another catastrophic war in the world’s most volatile region, but sets new non-proliferation standards that can be applied throughout the world.

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“If Congress Rejects the Iran Deal, It Would Be a Historic Blunder,” Hossein Mousavian, Huffington Post, August 21, 2015.