Interviews, مقاله ها

Other countries are still trying to figure out what Trump means to them

“Tehran’s assessment of the Trump administration is that it doesn’t have a solid strategy,” said Seyed Hossein Mousavian, who was a member of Iran’s negotiating team that agreed in 2003 to suspend uranium enrichment and is now a scholar at Princeton. “So Iran will be patient to see what the strategy will be.”

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“Other countries are still trying to figure out what Trump means to them,” Erin Cunningham et al, The Washington Post, April 28, 2017.


Interviews, مقاله ها

Interview: U.S. Threatens Nuclear Deal it Admits Iran Respects – How Will Tehran Respond?

Seyed Hossein Mousavian, a former senior Iranian diplomat, analyzes the Trump administration’s “review” of the Iran nuclear agreement despite acknowledging that Tehran is fulfilling its obligations, and discusses the threat of a worsening proxy war in Yemen, Iran’s support for Bashar al-Assad, the upcoming Iranian presidential elections, and the possibility for Tehran-Washington cooperation on Syria and other Middle East issues.

“U.S. Threatens Nuclear Deal it Admits Iran Respects – How Will Tehran Respond?” The Real News Interview, April 25, 2017.

Part 1 of Interview

Part 2 of Interview


Amb. Mousavian Quoted in Le Monde on Syria Strikes

Ambassador Mousavian Quoted:

“For Iran, it is the responsibility of the UNSC to decide about all issues related to international peace and security and therefore the US cannot determine redlines and take actions unilaterally. The US is making the UNSC irrelevant. ”

“As the US become more unpredictable, Iran would be also more unpredictable.”

Read Full Article (in French)

L’Iran est encerclé par les Américains,” Caroline Hayek, Le Monde, April 8, 2017.

Interviews, مقاله ها

L’Iran est encerclé par les Américains (Rea

Hossein Mousavian, chercheur à l’université de Princeton, ancien officiel et diplomate iranien, était l’invité de l’Institut Issam Farès pour les politiques publiques et les affaires internationales à l’AUB, lors d’une conférence, mercredi dernier, portant sur les enjeux du nucléaire dans la région et dans le monde.

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“L’Iran est encerclé par les Américains,” L’Orient-Le Jour, Caroline Hayek, March 17, 2017.