Articles, Publications

Together, Iran and the United States can shape the Middle East’s future

The historic deal negotiated between Iran and the P5+1 world powers will have far-reaching implications. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Middle East and indeed the world will never be the same. The peaceful resolution of what had become one of the most pressing crises of our time is a victory for the cause of stability and order in the Middle East.

As many observers have pointed out, this deal will be a major part of President Obama’s legacy. However, the reason behind its significance is not simply that it has resolved the crisis over Iran’s nuclear program, a huge achievement in its own right, but that it has opened the door for a new US approach towards the Middle East.

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“Together, Iran and the United States can shape the Middle East’s future,” Hossein Mousavian, Telegraph, July 14, 2015.


Iran & the US: The Way Forward

Ambassador Mousavian presented a speech to approximately 380 US military personnel, including colonels, at the US Army War College on June 18, 2015. In his speech, he discusses the following:

  • Iran’s major national security threats and priorities
  • 19 reasons why Iran distrusts the US
  • The the origins of the Iranian nuclear program and current status of Iran’s nuclear talks
  • 10 suggestions as a way forward for better US-Iran relations

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“Iran & the US: The Way Forward,” The US Army War College, June 18, 2015.

Articles, Publications

Why doesn’t Iran trust the US?

Top-ranking diplomats from Iran and the world powers are currently engaging in intensive talks to narrow their differences and reach a comprehensive nuclear deal by July 1. The main obstacle to attaining such an agreement is the fundamental lack of trust that exists between the two sides. If there was trust, the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) would have been enough to quell any concerns regarding the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program. Currently, all sticking points are related to measures beyond the NPT. The sustainable solution is for both sides to take confidence-building measures to ease the suspicions they have of each other. While US qualms with Iran are well known in the West, it is vital for the US public to gain a better understanding of the reasons for Iranian antipathy toward the US government.

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“Why doesn’t Iran trust the US?” Hossein Mousavian, Al Monitor, June 23, 2015.