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Trump’s Syria Strike Puts America At The Precipice Of Another Middle East War

“Trump’s strike changed the dynamic and put us on a path toward confrontation. His actions in Syria will herald the following 10 consequences and side effects, which, when taken together, could unleash an imbroglio the likes of which could be worse than what followed the Iraq War.”

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“Trump’s Syria Strike Puts America At The Precipice Of Another Middle East War,” Seyed Hossein Mousavian, The Huffington Post, April 13, 2017.




Amb. Mousavian Quoted in Le Monde on Syria Strikes

Ambassador Mousavian Quoted:

“For Iran, it is the responsibility of the UNSC to decide about all issues related to international peace and security and therefore the US cannot determine redlines and take actions unilaterally. The US is making the UNSC irrelevant. ”

“As the US become more unpredictable, Iran would be also more unpredictable.”

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L’Iran est encerclé par les Américains,” Caroline Hayek, Le Monde, April 8, 2017.