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After nuclear deal, what’s next for Iran?

After more than a decade of roller-coaster talks, mostly marked with failure, both sides have finally arrived at a formula that would assure the international community of the strictly peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear activities, and terminate all unilateral and multilateral economic and financial nuclear-related sanctions imposed on Iran.

While the political framework reflects the commitment, hard work, sound judgment and, above all, political will of all the parties involved — Iran as well as and the United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia, China and Germany — it has been the direct interaction between Iran and the United States, the main two protagonists, particularly since September 2013, that has helped steer the process of negotiation toward the positive outcome. In a detailed discussion in my book “Iran and the United States: An Insider’s View on the Failed Past and the Road to Peace” — covering more than 30 years of deeply felt and entrenched mutual distrust, hostility, name-calling, tension, tit-for-tat negative policies, measures and actions aimed at harming the other side — I have tried to depict an objective picture of the state of relations, or lack thereof, between the two capitals, including the numerous missed opportunities at rapprochement and ultimate detente between them. This particular aspect of the matter has not escaped the attention and eyes of pundits and keen Iran observers, including William Burns who has been personally involved in the nuclear talks for years.

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“After nuclear deal, what’s next for Iran?” Hossein Mousavian, Al Monitor, April 14, 2015.


Iran Nuclear Framework Agreement

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations hosted a discussion on the newly-announced framework agreement between the P5+1 and Iran on that country’s nuclear program. The framework pushes Iran’s nuclear “breakout time” to at least a year and allows international inspectors access to Iranian programs deemed suspicious. ”Breakout time” refers to the time that it would take for Iran to acquire enough fissile material for one weapon.

The panelists talked about the specifics of the agreement. The also assessed the agreement’s implications for Iran’s regional neighbors and their relationship with the U.S., impact on the energy sector, and potential to be finalized by the June 2015 deadline. Speakers include Seyed Hossein Mousavian, the former nuclear negotiator for Iran.

“Iran Nuclear Framework Agreement,” National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations, April 8, 2015. (Video)

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