Articles, Publications

Separate the Iran Deal From Regional Security Negotiations

Vali Nasr and Hossein Mousavian write for Foreign Affairs:

It does not help that Iran also deeply distrusts Washington’s motivations. Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei recently dismissed a U.S. demand tying its return to the JCPOA to future negotiations over regional issues, saying the United States is using the issue to drag its feet on rejoining the nuclear deal. Iran, he added, will not accept foreign meddling when it comes to its national security interests

Interviews, Media Coverage

Dr. Mousavian’s Book ““A Middle East Free of Weapons of Mass Destruction: A New Approach to Nonproliferation” is quoted in the New York Times article.

One face-saving way out for Iran would be to turn its uranium enrichment facilities into a multilateral consortium with an international staff, modeled after Urenco, which could supply nuclear fuel to power plants across the region — an idea floated by Seyed Hossein Mousavian, a former Iranian diplomat who is now a nuclear policy specialist at Princeton University and co-author of “A Middle East Free of Weapons of Mass Destruction: A New Approach to Nonproliferation.